Sydney Trains workers fight back against unfair tactics

Members have rallied, marched on parliament house, participated in rolling stoppages and taken as much protected industrial action (PIA) as possible, demanding that Sydney Trains and the NSW Government come back to the table to negotiate and put forth an offer that does not compromise the safety of the workers and provides decent wages and conditions.

Meetings between the company and the ETU have stagnated. Sydney Trains has consistently used every trick in the book to strangle the workers’ right to engage in PIA. It has been playing legal games for months, spending huge fees on lawyers, then crying poor when the workers ask for a fair raise to keep up with the cost of living. This behaviour raises serious concerns about Sydney Trains’ genuine desire to resolve this dispute. In February, after several prior attempts to remove the workers’ rights to PIA, The NSW and Sydney Trains successfully won a suspension of all industrial action through the Fair Work Commission until 1 July.

But the mighty ETU is pushing back as hard as it can. The members have shown a united front and strength during bargaining have not given up. The ETU has now applied to the Federal Court for a review of this decision, which will be heard at an initial hearing on 7th of March.

Despite all the games and underhanded tactics used by Sydney Trains, the workers have not given up. The members have shown they will not accept clauses that could jeopardise their safety. This EBA campaign is about more than dollars, it is about workers’ rights to be consulted on new clauses, and ensuring those clauses do not diminish safety standards. Everyone deserves the right to be safe at work and the ETU will not back down on that. The mighty ETU is not going to shy away from this blue.

This article was publised on 4 March 2025.