Australian Apprentice Incentive Scheme Review

In late January of this year, the department of employment and workplace relations released the “Skills for tomorrow: Shaping the future of Australian apprenticeships” report. A strategic review of the Australian Apprenticeship Incentive System.

The report identifies key improvements needed for the Australian apprenticeship system. And why the current Australian apprenticeship incentive system is not working as well as it could and should be.

The ETU welcomes the expansion of the $10,000 subsidy to apprentices in all trades. Apprentices are vital for the future of Australian industry and financial support and incentives are crucial to keep apprentices in the trade and to improve the take up and completion rates of apprenticeships.

The ETU also recognises the report calls out the failings of the current Australian Apprenticeship Support Services and the union looks forward to working with Government to find an industry led approach to improving support and mentoring for apprentices.

The ETU endorses the key areas of reform identified in the report including the need to address social and financial barriers for apprentices, working to improve attitudes towards apprenticeships, addressing unsafe workplaces, the need for effective mentoring programs and finding industry led solutions.

Apprentices are the future of the electrical trades and ETU members have been working hard over many years to win significant improvements for apprentices in our industries. The findings in this report and the initiatives proposed are a testament to the unwavering commitment of ETU members standing up for the rights of apprentices and working together to win a better future for electrical workers.

We need to get the Australian apprenticeship system right for the prosperity of the country. ETU members have been working hard to win significant improvements to the Australian Apprenticeship system.

“Electrical workers in our trades start their careers as apprentices. The ETU knows how crucial it is to get the apprenticeship system right. ETU members have fought long and hard to fix the apprenticeship system and the release of this report today is a step in the right direction. There is nothing second class about doing a trade, tradies are literally building our nation’s future. The ETU looks forward to working with Government to make the best apprenticeship system we possibly can. The future of our trades depends on it.” – Michael Wright, ETU National Secretary.
You can read the full report here

This article was publised on 4 March 2025.