This month the ETU met with other unions in Canberra for the Trade Unions for Democracy Summit. It was a powerful moment for unions to come together to discuss and plan the future of militancy for unions for Australia.
We don’t do trial by parliament in this country, we don’t do trial by media in this country.
Unions belong to their members, and we need to make sure that is not lost. Union power cannot and must not be diluted by Governments of any stripe.
Here is the official statement detailing the outcomes from the Summit –

Trade Unions for Democracy Summit
Canberra, December 9, 2024
The first-ever Trade Unions for Democracy Summit, hosted in Canberra, has marked a historic milestone for Australia’s union movement.
Over 80 representatives from nine unions, collectively representing 350,000 workers, gathered to address the pressing challenges facing unions and chart a united path forward. The trade union movement has been the driving force behind every progressive change in Australian history, but its role in our national and political life has been drastically reduced since the early 1990s.
The Summit delivered transformative outcomes, including endorsing a new Unions for Democracy Charter. This charter enshrines core principles such as democratic governance, solidarity, and a commitment to worker empowerment and industrial right, which we will advance leading into the next election.
Key achievements of the Summit:
1.Formation of a Unions for Democracy Organising Committee
A newly established committee will unite senior representatives from participating unions to advocate for democratic governance, monitor policy developments, and campaign for legislative changes that strengthen workers’ rights.
2.Endorsement of annual Summits
The Summit will become an annual event, with the next gathering planned for early 2025.
3.Condemnation of the CFMEU forced administration
The Summit adopted a resolution condemning the Albanese Labor Government’s intervention in the CFMEU, calling on the Government to repeal the administration legislation.
4.The Summit adopted a charter
Outlining our shared values, commitment to union democracy, growing the union movement, both in membership and influence, while addressing challenges in industrial relations laws and advocating for broader social and economic justice.
A Vision for the Future:
“This Summit represents a turning point for Australia’s unions,” said Michael Wright ETU Divisional Secretary
“By uniting under a shared vision and strategy, we are laying the foundation for a stronger, more democratic future for Australian workers united with real national representation.” Said PPTEU National Secretary Earl Seches
“For years, Australian workers have failed to get the outcomes at a national level they deserve; this is more than just the draconian forced administration of the CFMEU, which we rightly oppose; it’s about building a strong, powerful voice for working people and real union principles.” Said Peter Ong ETU President
Looking ahead:
The resolutions and strategies adopted during the Summit will drive coordinated action, with an immediate focus on forming the organising committee and finalising campaigning priorities.
A broader union representation at the 2025 Summit will ensure that the movement continues to grow and strengthen its voice.