Qantas continues to disrespect their workers.
Qantas engineers are highly skilled professionals — they make sure your plane is safe to fly.But these workers feel undervalued, underpaid, and disrespected.
Qantas workers are fighting to have their skills recognised and valued. Members of the Qantas Engineers Alliance (an alliance of the ETU, AMWU and AWU) took action – downing tools across airports all over the country to send a message to Qantas that they need to pay fair wages. Along with strike action, members also protested out front of the Qantas AGM in Hobart in October.
This action forced Qantas back to the bargaining table, but once again, Qantas is refusing to agree to a decent wage increase. It’s not on and Qantas need to do the right thing and pay these highly skilled workers what they’re worth.
The current enterprise agreement expired at the end of June, and the Alliance has put forward a wage claim of 5 per cent per year, with a 15 per cent first-year increase to compensate for 3.5 years of wage freezes.
Qantas only has the safety record it does thanks to these highly skilled workers. Qantas engineers and line maintenance workers will keep fighting and until they win they pay increase they so rightly deserve.
Members are asking you to support their fight! Click here or use the QR code to sign the petition to tell Qantas –