“Until Saputo sort this out, we’re asking all supporters of a fair go to boycott Saputo products. SAPUTO – NO GO!”
CEPU Tasmania members working for Saputo Dairy in Burnie are fighting for the same pay as their mainland counterparts. Currently they earn 23.5% less than the Saputo workers in Victoria.
During the most recent round of EBA negotiations, CEPU Tas members asked for the same pay as mainland workers and, in short, the company refused. Historically, Tasmanian workers have copped lower wages due to a perceived cheaper cost of living in Tasmania, this is no longer the case and companies can no longer use cost of living as an excuse to pay Tassie workers less. Saputo workers want no more than what’s fair. It’s simple: SAME JOB, SAME PAY.
In response to the company refusing to pay Tasmanian workers a fair wage, members voted to take action and go on strike for a fair deal.
Saputo is a MASSIVE COMPANY with MASSIVE PROFITS! With an annual revenue of $17b last year, with $2.5b in Australia alone. There is NO EXCUSE – they can afford to pay their workers a decent wage.
The 24 Saputo workers at the Burnie site have been on strike for almost two months. They are standing strong and want Saputo management to know, they’re not going anywhere and will stand strong until they win.
The workers have been out in the community and around all round Tasmania talking to people about how their employer thinks it’s fair to pay them 23.5% less than Saputo maintenance workers doing the same job in Victoria.
CEPU Tasmania Secretary Michael Anderson said “Multinationals usually assume using their size and resources to ignore and wear down workers works. But it’s not working anymore, not when working families’ living standards have been smashed by the rising cost-of-living. Workers feel like they’ve got nothing to lose, and from 23.5% lower wages, these guys haven’t!”
In July of this year, the striking Saputo workers travelled to Melbourne to attend a rally in front of Saputo’s Australian Head office in Melbourne’s Southbank. The Victorian Branch of the ETU along with members, other workers, and other unions turned out to support Tasmanian dairy maintenance workers at Saputo. It was loud, proud and put Saputo on notice that they need to do the right thing. And called on the community to boycott Saputo’s products as a show of solidarity and to tell Saputo they must treat their workers fairly and pay them a fair wage.
The Victorian Branch of the ETU was proud to bring the Saputo fight to the mainland and Vic members stand strong with Tasmanian comrades until they win. ETU Victorian Secretary Troy Gray also announced that the Vic Branch would donate $100K to the fighting fund, keeping food on the table for these striking workers.
Skilled tradespeople are in high demand, Australia is suffering a massive skills shortage, there is no reason why a massive multinational can’t pay workers in Tasmania what they deserve.
“Through Saputo’s miscalculation of the strength of the workers, and their arrogance not to see sense, they have already cost the company tenfold of what parity would mean for these striking 24 workers. They literally spend more money fighting workers getting decent pay than just doing it. Saputo picked this fight, and now we’ll see if management are keen to play games as union members boycott their brand. We’ll see if Woolies and Coles like their products boycotted.” Michael Anderson, CEPU Tasmania State Secretary.