Members at EnerSys in Victoria have now reached 98 days on the picket line as they stand up for better wages and conditions.
After seven EBA meetings, battery manufacturing company EnerSys pulled out of negotiations and put an agreement out to vote without the ETU’s endorsement. Members voted the agreement down unanimously! It was after that vote count that the EnerSys HR manager made the now infamous statement “LET’S SEE WHO STARVES FIRST”.
To the credit of our ETU delegate, he tried for over a month to get EnerSys back to the negotiation table, but to no avail.
ETU members then decided they had no other alternative but to exercise their legal right to take protected industrial action in the form of partial work bans to try and force the company back to negotiations.
EnerSys responded with “if you don’t work the full range of your usual duties in the usual way, you won’t be paid at all for the day”. This was a serious escalation from EnerSys which equates to an effective lockout.
Members want EnerSys to “negotiate, don’t dictate!”
Show your solidarity by writing a message of support or contributing to the fighting fund – details in the image below.
Stay strong comrades!!! Over 60,000 ETU members are with you!!