How will the outcome of the 2022 Federal Election affect the energy industries?
Create 604,000 good jobs in the energy industry
Create 604,000 secure jobs with good wages and working conditions in the energy industries as part of a comprehensive energy plan.

Invest in 10,000 new energy apprentices
Invest in 10,000 new energy apprentices to be trained in the jobs of the future, and a $10 million New Energy Skills Program to work with industry, unions and the states and territories to ensure training pathways are fit-for-purpose.

Ensure fossil fuel workers aren’t left behind in the energy transition
Ensure Australia’s modern energy grid is built by Australian workers using Australian suppliers.
Provide thousands of new construction jobs for Australians, many of those in our regions.
Revitalise traditional industries like steel and aluminium and allow growth in new sectors like hydrogen and battery production.

Support innovation and industry development in regional areas
Support innovation and industry development in regional areas, creating new industries in regions that are facing structural challenges or decline in other areas.

Upgrade the electricity grid
Commit $20 billion to rebuild and upgrade the failing electricity grid to better manage the energy transition and be more resilient to the impacts of bushfires, storms and floods. An upgraded grid will also be safer for workers and the Australian public.
Prioritise a set of electricity rules that work for all Australians

Make electric vehicles cheaper
Make electric vehicles cheaper and more accessible with electric vehicle incentives, Australia’s first National Electric Vehicle Strategy, and building the charging infrastructure that’s needed.

Develop local offshore wind industry
Facilitate the development of an offshore wind industry while improving safety and making sure projects deliver local jobs, apprenticeships and maximise the use of Australian steel and local manufacturing businesses.

Invest in emerging technologies
Allocate up to $3 billion to invest in green metals (steel, alumina and aluminium); clean energy component manufacturing; hydrogen electrolysers and fuel switching; agricultural methane reduction and waste reduction.

Prioritise Aussie manufacturers
Provide up to $15 billion of capital to invest in job-creating projects through loans, equity and guarantees in resources, agriculture, transport, medical science, defence capability, enabling capabilities and renewables and low emissions technologies.

Labor’s Powering Australia plan delivers on many concerns raised by the ETU and ETU members, like improving our grid, delivering good jobs in renewable projects, and ensuring workers in fossil fuel industries are given a real future.
The Morrison Government’s own ‘climate pamphlet’ relies on technology yet to be invented to tackle climate change challenges. It refuses to establish regulations to make renewable projects safer and fairer workplaces delivering proper wages and conditions. In 2019 they announced 12 shortlisted new generation projects around Australia but are yet to build even one of them. The ETU has requested meetings with the Federal Energy Minister multiple times over the past three years and our requests have been rejected every time.
The Liberals have had 22 energy policies in the last eight years but delivered none. All they have achieved are higher electricity prices and higher emissions.
Authorised by M. Wright, Electrical Trades Union Division, Sydney